About Us
Hey, I'm Brittany...

and I am so glad you are here!
You know, I meet a lot of people who automatically think that using essential oils makes you a hippie. Maybe so. Maybe no. But I'll say this for sure - choosing a natural, organic life can sometimes be like swimming upstream in a swift running river.
For me, this upstream trek began about ten years ago when I started seeking natural remedies, chemical free products, and ways to make our home toxin and chemical free. If you are on that same search, then you have come to the right place.
I believe in doing life by His design.
That includes using essential oils to support your body's ability to heal itself. My mission is to provide you with perfectly pure essential oils and simple info on how to use them. My vision is to help you gain the confidence it takes to call the shots for your health, your body, and your family. (I know just how that family of yours depends on Dr. Mom.) ;-)
So... I want to get you started with $10 FREE. Just create an account and then check your email for the code!
Thanks for coming to check out Selah Oils and how we are living borderless,Brittany, CEO